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Parenting is one of the most transformational phase of one’s life. It provides a woman and a man to intensify their relationship to their own Soul as well as deepen their relationship with each other.

It is not an easy journey. Kundalini Yoga teachings offer parents inspiration and practical yogic tools to gracefully cross this segment of life and confer the next generation with noble human values and personal strength. Compassionate and authentic communication about yourself personally and knowledge about pregnancy and parenting are essential.

Yogic teachings encourage a couple to prepare in a holistic manner: body, mind, and spirit. Daily practice of meditation, yoga, chanting, reading inspiring books and listening to uplifting music can support your peace of mind.

Kirtan Kriya, SA-TA-NA-MA meditation, is a most effective meditation to release haunting, limiting patterns of the subconscious mind and prepare a couple for pregnancy. Practice daily for at least 40 days consecutively to receive the full effect.

"Therefore, those months she is required to be in circumstances which are very secure, respectable, and comfortable and in which she can have a lot of understanding around her. We always know how to raise the rose bush, but we have never tried to study how to raise our children. Our children are actually raised within those nine months of pregnancy and development. Those are very important days of life of the child."

~ Yogi Bhajan, "The Ancient Art of Self-Healing"

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